Background of the study
Audio and visual materials like radio, projector, chalkboard etc play a very important role in teaching/learning of social studies. These instructional materials came into existence when an exhibition was held in Austria. In the exhibition home schools from USA attended the exhibition where they displayed different forms of audio and visual materials even audio visual materials were also presented. Some of them were Radio, cassette, blackboard (wooden), Graph, Television, Charts and numerous posters to educate people that attended the exhibition (Akolo, 2000) cited in (Abolade, 2004). As a result of the exhibition held the importance of the use of audio and visual media came into being for effective teaching and learning back in USA people started forming different association such as motion picture and these associations helped in distributing instructional materials all over USA and also propagated education. The aims of introducing these materials by the school of throughout in Austria and those that attended the conference as to bring about effective teaching and learning process. Under education policy, schools were required to use different forms of instructional materials to facilitate learning, but these schools ended up not using term. This was in 1995 when the colonial government a commission to consider the possibility of using radio and television in teaching and learning process. In the report of the commission, it was recommended that the materials (audio and visual aids) should be used. In 1957, the first educational media was introduced and also in 1959 television was used in enhancing effecting teaching/learning. Based on the above recommended, audio and visual materials or aid can be seen as an observable measure and capable of improving learning outcome. From the write of there, an economic teaching should try to improvise teaching aids in their schools, and also make appropriate use of instructional materials (audio and visual) in teaching-learning of social studies in different schools.
For successful survey there is need to focus attention on the following problems;
The main objectives of this research is to therefore to highlighting the effect of the use of audio and visual materials in the teaching and learning of economic in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State, to this end the following sub-objectives will be examined;
Hypothesis 1
H0: there is unavailability of adequate instructional materials (audio and visual) affecting students’ performance in social studies
H1: there is availability of adequate instructional materials (audio and visual) affecting students’ performance in social studies
Hypothesis 11
H0: there is no use of audio and visual aids also affect understanding of social studies
H1: there is use of audio and visual aids also affect understanding of social studies
The benefit could be derived from the outcome of this investigation are as fellow; it is envisaged that the findings will be of use to social studies teachers, school, supervisors, principals government policy maker and all those who are interested in social studies as a branch of art. It is also hoped that it will contribute towards better academic performance in social studies in secondary schools in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State. Finally, it will also help social studies teachers in Oredo Local Government Area to improve on the poor usage of audio and visual aids in the teaching/learning of social studies
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